These pics are all that remain of the yummy scrummy energy bliss ball attempt by moi! Inspired in part by my dear friend Alana's love of 'byron bay bliss balls' in cafes around SEQ (Australia?), in part by the lululemon blog on their 'bliss ball challenge' and in part by the desire to cook up something yummy and energising to share with my friends at the uq twilight run today... these little goodies were born! It has been a miserable/grey/overcast/rainy few days but nothing would make me pull out of the twilight run... If it were only for me I may have, but most importantly this was the first race of my amazing friend Carmen's... and she made it! We all made it! What made it even more exciting was the fact that Carmen breast-fed minutes before the race... yes that's right- not only was it her first ever run, but it also was a run that showed where she has come from- giving birth to her beautiful daughter only just over a year ago, Carmen has turned into an inspirational running machine... It was so wonderful and really kind of special being able to run alongside her and my own mum (and at the event to also have the support of Paul, Maya and Kara!) that I think there was some kind of karma that parted the clouds for us and allowed the whole run to be completed sans rain! I am so glad that I have been able to run with my mum and create a little world of running love, full of friends who I can go on running dates with... there really is nothing more exhilarating than being able to share a run (and a post-run coffee!) with people who are really near and dear to you... So, thankyou to those near and dear to me for the amazing twilight run (and also I guess to the few thousand others in the race who aren't quite as near and dear... yet!)... I hope you enjoyed it and found it as wonderful as I did!
L. :-)