I tutor design at QUT in Brisbane. People ask me why I do it and if I get good money. Sure, the money helps pay my bills, but mostly, the thing I love about it is being constantly exposed to new ideas. Being able to develop these ideas and build on them and work them into new ones. This constant exposure to inspiration is why I do it. To me it is like being paid to be inspired.
Today during a studio session, it was great to see 15 students tackle the same space, but each in their own way, with their own ideas and personality. At the end of the day there were 15 different results. I think that in itself is pretty amazing. That each one reflected not just the personality of the designer, but some of their philosphies, their history, their culture as well is wonderful.
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Design can be great, we just need to give it a chance. We need to allow it to be all it can be. We need to focus less on the 'designer' items and designer price tags and more on the benefit that good design thinking- applied to interiors, architecture, industrial, civic- all of it- can offer our society. We need to make use of the thinkers in the world. I hope I can inspire some of them in return. For now I just feel lucky that I can spend some of my days in studio rooms with them, plotting, planning and puzzling our way forward, one sheet of butter paper at a time!