Wednesday, 8 September 2010

dusky walks

Sometimes life gets too much... things build up on top of each other and it overwhelms... toppling over, in much the same way as (in my case!) the tears do too. I know that this happens when I'm tired, when I havent had time to do a proper shop so not eating well and when I haven't got everything nicely balanced... so what I need to remember are these wise tips (thanks mum!)...
one... get out and walk. there is something about the air that calms me, the rhythm that soothes... or maybe it just gets you out of your immediate environment and forces you to think about something else for a while...
two... remember your friends... I took this pic as I walked over to meet up with a friend and walk through highgate hill and west end. It was a beautiful, clear evening and the view from highgate hill in brisbane is stunning. Talking things through with my friend I managed to get some kind of perspective. Even though things may not be returned to perfect balance yet (are they ever?!?! this is life!) at least I could share my tears... and some laughs... and that makes everything easier to deal with!

Monday, 6 September 2010

more swims, more runs and pies!

Happy fathers day dad! I have discovered a fabulous country vegetable pie recipe, courtesy the silverspoon cookbook, made famous by italian mamma's the world over, for the past 50 years!
This one I was super proud of, because I used spinach grown in my very own garden boxes on my balcony. I think it makes it taste even better!
This was also a special treat for dad for fathers day- something we don't particularly celebrate but do usually acknowledge in some way.
I have also discovered the  lululemon athletica blog, which talks about lots of active, positive, lifestyle issues. In particular I loved reading about their lululemon manifesto - basically a recipe of how to live life to get the most out of every day. It got me thinking about things that I would include in a 'Lucy manifesto'... I think one of those things is definitely to use my recipe books more! I love cooking... and eating! But I think I need to make a more conscious effort to try out different recipes like this one... My first pie ever! I feel another entry coming on, to clarify what would be in my manifesto! Pie for now... (hahaha!)... L.

Friday, 3 September 2010

spring = evening dusk runs

The light at the moment is beautiful! The temperature is perfect! The evenings and early mornings in particular feel special, as the light and air changes, night to day or day to night. It's been great to get back into jogging with running friends, sharing the evening air and light as the sun shines its rays onto the buildings of the city before it sets behind the Brisbane Valley mountains.
It is on days like these when you can't ever imagine it clouding over of raining... Of course, the reality is that one always follows the other, but for now the weather has well and truly thrown itself into spring and it feels glorious! L.

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

swimming is my yoga....

So today I got back in the pool... I always forget, when I'm not in the habit of swimming, how much I love it, feel energised by it, calm from it, and just generally in a good mood with the world. Some people hate swimming- something about the chlorine, black line and I guess the difficulties of getting arms and legs moving together to propel you through the water, all the while staying a float and drawing breath appropriately. Lucky for me, dad threw me in the deep end at musgrave park pool when I was little and got me to swim a length (I had done some swimming lessons across the pool beforehand- it wasn't child abuse!). Since then, I have always been able to hold my weight in the water, be it at swimming squad, waterpolo or mucking around in dams and in the surf.
Anyway, it has been about 6 months since I was doing any kind of regular swimming (yeah, I know- fair-weather swimmer who can't hack the cold!) and this morning was the perfect day to get back in the pool. Today is the first of spring. A sunny, warm morning in beautiful Brisbane and the pool was not too busy. I even smelt jasmine in the air as I walked down to somerville house pool. There is something about submerging my head beneath the surface, that allows me to enter my own little underwater world. Here, with every day noises muffled, my own thoughts can wander, as much or as little as they like. I find it calming, therapeutic even- and even though I am keen to try some yoga (I even picked up an introductory offer brochure when I was at the pool!), the slower pace and relaxed vibe of water means that, for now, swimming is my yoga...