Wednesday, 8 September 2010

dusky walks

Sometimes life gets too much... things build up on top of each other and it overwhelms... toppling over, in much the same way as (in my case!) the tears do too. I know that this happens when I'm tired, when I havent had time to do a proper shop so not eating well and when I haven't got everything nicely balanced... so what I need to remember are these wise tips (thanks mum!)...
one... get out and walk. there is something about the air that calms me, the rhythm that soothes... or maybe it just gets you out of your immediate environment and forces you to think about something else for a while...
two... remember your friends... I took this pic as I walked over to meet up with a friend and walk through highgate hill and west end. It was a beautiful, clear evening and the view from highgate hill in brisbane is stunning. Talking things through with my friend I managed to get some kind of perspective. Even though things may not be returned to perfect balance yet (are they ever?!?! this is life!) at least I could share my tears... and some laughs... and that makes everything easier to deal with!

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