Friday, 29 April 2011

sunshine... on my window!

No matter how many times you see it, watching flowers grow, open, thrive is amazing... especially when you can watch them growing from the comfort of your bed as cooler mornings roll in!

Monday, 11 April 2011

a little rest

Today I needed a little rest! I woke up early still but instead of rushing off to netty (training cancelled) or trying to fill the morning with a replacement exercise... I chilled! It was a walk to lucky duck espresso for a caffeine hit + weekend paper in the glorious autumn sunshine + then flower power bakery on the way home for hot cross bun goodness and some much needed couch time...
The sky was just so beautiful and blue today it was great just to be in it, admiring it, at a much s lo w e r pace!
Hurrah for slow days!

Saturday, 9 April 2011

brightening up a rainy day

Just a quick one before the weekend... Sometimes rainy weather can get you down... I know... I lived in London! Today however, it did not! Sometimes you just have to find something to brighten your day... like the umbrella this guy in front of me was wielding against another Brisbane downpour! Made me smile :-)